Lotus is your premiere metaphysical shop for purchasing gemstones, rocks, crystals, feng shui items, angels, fairies, oracle tarot decks, crystal books, jewelry, local art, unique gift items and many other treasures that make you feel good.
LOTUS PRAYER May incense; sweet smelling oil be a healing salve for those ailing. May sacred texts liberate the heart of wisdom & compassion. May holy objects be a lamp for those longing for light. And may trees of heaven bless every home. Stay Connect ~ New Arrivals ~ Sales & Happenings
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12896 S Pony Express Rd Ste 200 Draper, UT 84020 Open: Mon-Sat 11am-8pm Sun 11sm-6pm 801 333 3777 Established in October 2000 in the year of the Water Dragon. LOTUS continues to grow with your love and support... Much Love
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